This wall hanging came after the Canada project when I was invited out to Adelaide, Australia with Terrance Clark to hold my second stamp making workshop. I designed this piece with Australia and the aboriginals in mind, the indigenous people have a deeper connection to the land and where we have come from than most and I wanted to illustrate this.
Centre of the disk, missing from this photo, is a stainless steel dish, one side polished for the moon and the other gilded for the sun. You then have a ring, centre out, for the sky, the land and the sea. Each ring has animals or plants moving in the opposite direction to the southern hemisphere to symbolize the need to go back the where we came from and start a fresh. Australia has the oldest and most mineral rich land on are planet yet it is being exploited and stripped bare quicker than can be stopped. Surly we should learn from what we have done to move forwards and not repeat that of the past. What we have left is precious and gread isn't going to give us anything as rich as .......... to hold on to in the long run.
There where 21 people involved, mainly ammeters with a few professionals, in the making of this piece forging outside in 39 degree heat, so, needless to say it had its changes. Explaining the proses of stamp making and what we where working towards was hard at times and I know some got frustrated with me but by the second day it clicked and we worked together to achieve and we where all so happy with the out come.